Factory Workers HIRING in Poland 2023

Factory Workers HIRING in Poland 2023

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Factory Workers HIRING in Poland 2023

The Polish labor force is one of the country’s most attractive assets for international companies. It is ambitious, hard-working, and willing to learn. Additionally, it has a high level of education, with 44 percent of tertiary-educated adults holding graduate degrees.

The educational section of your factory worker resume should include any academic credentials and vocational training you’ve received. Adding these details will help you stand out from other candidates.

Minimum wage

Poland’s minimum wage is 7110 PLN (approximately USD 1833). This is a little lower than the average for the OECD, which includes Germany and France. However, the average base salary in Poland is considerably higher than those in other countries.

Moreover, the minimum wage in Poland is adjusted annually to reflect changes in the cost of living. This makes it easier for people to keep up with inflation. The government has recently increased the minimum wage by 480 PLN, which is more than double the rate of inflation.

The best paid jobs in Poland include Brand Manager, Key Account Manager, and IT Security Specialist. Software Developers also rank in the top 10. Poles have a strong work ethic, and many of them excel in international coding competitions and tests. This makes them highly sought after by outsourcing companies. Moreover, they tend to be bilingual and have access to quality education. This enables them to work with more complex and demanding projects.

Unemployment rate

The rapid economic growth of Poland has led to high employment and income levels, while poverty has fallen. The country has also achieved gender equity in the workplace. However, earnings inequality remains a concern. The top 10% of earners in Poland make more than four times as much as the bottom 20%.

The country’s labor force participation rate has increased significantly since 2000, with a particularly notable increase among women. During this period, the proportion of Polish workers with tertiary education has increased. The country’s unemployment rate has declined substantially, and long-term unemployment is low.

The war in Ukraine has affected some of Poland’s industries. Some have seen a decline in the number of Ukrainian workers, which could deepen existing labor shortages. Some employers are looking for migrant workers from other countries, including South Asia. For instance, a Polish company has been hiring Nepalese and Bangladeshi workers for its construction and transport projects. These workers are paid more than Polish employees, but less than the average salary in Poland.

Leave entitlements

During their employment in Poland, workers must contribute to the country’s social security system. This system includes health, pension, and accident insurance. Workers may also be eligible for additional benefits, such as maternity and family leave, parental care, and childcare. Moreover, employers are required to provide employees with private healthcare.

In Poland, the terms and conditions of work are regulated by both national and international law. The main source of employment law is the Labor Code, adopted in 1974. The code governs many aspects of individual employment relations and is supplemented by a number of statutory acts that regulate specific issues, such as trade unions, collective dispute resolution, and works councils.

Employees in Poland are entitled to 13 paid public holidays per year. However, two of these holidays – Easter Sunday and Whit Sunday (Pentecost) – always fall on a Sunday, which is a nonworking day in the country. In these cases, employees are only granted another day off if they are actively scheduled to work on those days.


Poland’s workforce remains one of the most highly educated and skilled in Europe. This makes the country an attractive location for global talent, and a growing number of companies are exploring opportunities to expand their operations in Poland. But before you hire a new employee, be sure to understand the local tax requirements and employees’ statutory benefits.

In Poland, employees are entitled to a collection of minimum employment rights under local labor laws. These include a collection of mandatory provisions like annual leave and sick leave, as well as worker’s compensation insurance and family benefits.

Moreover, employers must pay a 3% levy on gross payroll for the benefit of disabled people in the workplace. This is known as PFRON and is an important social policy. However, the liability can be reduced or eliminated if an employer directly employs registered disabled workers or buys goods and services from organizations that provide employment for the disabled. This is a great way to attract and retain top talent.



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